Over time Ubuntu has gradually become the most popular flavor of Linux among users who have decided to make the switch from Microsoft Windows, and for good reason.
In addition to its fast and easy installation, Ubuntu also offers a more “Windows-like” user interface than many of the other Linux distros out there.
But one thing that the full version of Ubuntu has never been known for is speed. In fact, compared to many other Linux distros, Ubuntu is a snail (although it still runs rings around Windows). But with version 13.04 (dubbed Raring Ringtail) that has changed. After upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 to version 13.04, I noticed an immediate and dramatic increase in speed.
In my opinion the speed boost alone makes upgrading well worth the effort, but Ubuntu 13.04 offers a number of other improvements as well including better social media integration, new windows management options and improvements to a couple of the most use menus.
If you’re running Ubuntu already, the upgrade to version 13.04 is really a no-brainer. If you aren’t, this post and this post explain why you might want to consider it.
You can download Ubuntu 13.04 for free from the Ubuntu download page.