Facebook is a wonderful tool for communicating with family and friends, sharing photos and stories, and keeping up with your favorites music groups, charitable organizations and other interests. And as we all know, it can also be a huge (albeit fun) time waster.
But one part of the Facebook experience where most of us don’t really want to waste any time is the login process. To log in to Facebook, we first have to type in our email address, then our password. And if the email address is a long one and/or it contains several special characters, typing it in can be both time consuming and prone to errors (especially if you’re using a smart phone).
If you hate having to type in your email address every time you log in to your Facebook account, you don’t really have to. If you prefer, you can log in using your Facebook username instead.
If you don’t know your Facebook username, simply log in to your account and click on your name to display your Timeline page, then glance at the URL in your browser’s address bar. Whatever you see after the last slash (/) is your username. For example, the URL for my Timeline page is https://www.facebook.com/rickrouse3 which means that my username is rickrouse3.
Of course if your particular username happens to be longer or more difficult to type than your email address, you should probably just keep logging in to Facebook the same way you always have. Otherwise signing in with your username could save you a bit of time and frustration every time you log in.