Question from Judy: I have a question that’s probably going to sound dumb, but I’m curious.
I’ve been using computers for a long time and I’ve deleted a lot of files. Where do they go after Windows deletes them? [Read more…]
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Question from Judy: I have a question that’s probably going to sound dumb, but I’m curious.
I’ve been using computers for a long time and I’ve deleted a lot of files. Where do they go after Windows deletes them? [Read more…]
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
There are billions of websites on the Internet, and unfortunately a great number of them are malicious in some way or another.
If you happen to load a malicious web page into your web browser, bad things can happen in a hurry due to malware and other nasties being downloading onto your computer.
Luckily, it’s usually possible to avoid landing on a dangerous site by simply being careful about the links you click, but there’s always a chance that it will still happen some day regardless of how careful you are. [Read more…]
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
Question from Gwen: I recently bought a new computer and found out that I can use my favorite Bluetooth Earbuds with it. Yay me!
My husband saw how well they work and now he would like to use Bluetooth Earbuds with his computer too.
The thing is his computer doesn’t have Bluetooth in it. Is there a way to add Bluetooth to it? [Read more…]
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Understanding the ins and outs of immigration procedures can be overwhelming for people and immigration professionals.
The usual ways of handling immigration matters usually mean dealing with lots of paperwork, language challenges, and unclear processes.
But now, in this digital era, there’s a game-changing solution: immigration case management software for lawyers and attorneys. These new solutions are changing how immigration services are provided by putting clients first and making administrative tasks simpler. [Read more…]
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As you probably know, malware infections can cause all kinds of strange problems on Windows PCs.
That’s why if your computer starts acting strange all of a sudden it could very well be infected with a virus or some other form of malware.
Most malware infections can be removed by running a thorough series of scans with the free tools mentioned in this post, but there are some strains of malware that might need to be removed by an experienced computer tech.
I recommend that you always run your own malware scans (if it’s possible to do so) before you take your PC to a repair shop for ANY type of service or repair, even if you don’t believe the issue is malware-related.