Do you hate the new Facebook desktop Newsfeed layout?
Well, I’m right there with you. I prefer the Classic layout too!
Well, once again our friend Matt Kruse, the creator of the popular Social Fixer browser extension has come to the rescue!
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Do you hate the new Facebook desktop Newsfeed layout?
Well, I’m right there with you. I prefer the Classic layout too!
Well, once again our friend Matt Kruse, the creator of the popular Social Fixer browser extension has come to the rescue!
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Unfortunately, viruses and other nasty forms of malware are constant threats in today’s Internet-connected world.
If your computer is connected to the web, you can safely assume that it’s being bombarded with attacks at all times.
Luckily, most modern antivirus programs are pretty effective at keeping most of the nasties off your system, but every once in a while something malicious will slip through their defenses.
The latest malware to hit the scene is called LokiBot, and it’s one of the most dangerous keyloggers ever.
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Do you have a jealous ex who always seems to know exactly what you’ve been doing, who you’ve been doing it with, and where you’ve been?
Are you being stalked but you can’t figure out how the stalker is managing to keep such a close eye on you without getting caught?
Well, your stalker could be using a new “spy” app that was released back in July to keep tabs on your whereabouts and activities.
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
Question from Roger G.: Hi Rick. I recently ordered a new desktop computer that has a 350 watt power supply in it.
I bought a new video card for it, but when I went to install it the instructions said the computer’s power supply needs to be able to put out at least 550 watts.
I checked online and there are several different kinds of power supplies to choose from and I don’t know exactly what kind I need to buy.
I called the company that sold me the computer and asked what kind of power supply is inside it. They told me it’s a standard ATX-type power supply.
My questions:
1 – Can I replace this computer’s existing power supply with a larger one without burning up anything with the excess power?
2 – If so, can you recommend one?
3 – Can you give me a rough outline of the process required to physically swap out the power supplies?
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]
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If your iPhone has been updated to iOS 14 you’ve probably noticed a little orange or green dot popping up in the top-right corner of the screen at various times.
Well, truth be told, that tiny colored dot could well be the most useful feature ever added to iOS via an update!