As you know, the scammers of the world are always on the lookout for new ways to separate you from your hard-earned money.
And unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has given them plenty of new ways to do it.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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As you know, the scammers of the world are always on the lookout for new ways to separate you from your hard-earned money.
And unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has given them plenty of new ways to do it.
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Question from Glenda: I’ve been following your Facebook page for several years but a couple of months ago your posts stopped showing up in my Newsfeed.
I read a post you wrote a while back that said when that happens to go to your Timeline and Like, Comment and Share a few posts every day for about a week to get them to start coming into the Newsfeed again.
I’ve done that three times during the past couple of month but Facebook always stops showing me your posts again after just a day or two.
How can I fix this? I love your tips and I don’t want to miss any of them.
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]
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Facebook is a vast community consisting of approximately 2 billion users, and over time it’s easy to amass a large number of “Facebook friends”.
As your friends list grows, it’s inevitable that some of your friends will deactivate their accounts for some reason but never got around to actually deleting it.
The thing is, when a friend’s account is deactivated that person isn’t automatically removed from your friends list.
Those friends who are no longer active on Facebook are called “ghost friends”.
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Are you a blogger who uses WordPress to power your blog?
If so, you should know that it’s now more important than ever for your blog to be mobile friendly if you want to attract visitors to it and keep them there after they arrive.
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These days most people are very concerned about protecting their privacy while using the Internet.
If you happen to value your online privacy you’ll probably be interested in the results of a recent study on browser privacy that released to the public a few months back.