Do you have some important old messages that you don’t want to lose stored in a Yahoo Mail account that you haven’t logged into for a while?
If so, you could well be on the verge of losing those messages.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Do you have some important old messages that you don’t want to lose stored in a Yahoo Mail account that you haven’t logged into for a while?
If so, you could well be on the verge of losing those messages.
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
If you have a broadband Internet connection you probably use a router to share that connection among multiple computers and mobile devices.
I frequently receive emails from folks asking if I think they need to replace their aging routers, and I usually answer them by asking a few questions of my own: [Read more…]
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Question from Benji P.: Rick, I took my eight year old HP laptop to Best Buy over the weekend to have them upgrade the RAM for me.
This machine only has 4GB and I want to bump it up to 8GB. I know it can use 8GB because I looked it up.
After some back and forth the guy told me I shouldn’t waste my money upgrading a machine that was that old and proceeded to try to sell me a new computer. I don’t want a new laptop. I like this one!
My question is do you know of a place in the Raleigh, NC area that will upgrade the memory for me? Or is this something that I can possibly do myself?
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]
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Just when I think the scammers on Facebook have reached rock bottom, they manage to come up with an even more despicable scam.
This ugly “sick child” scam makes the rounds from time to time, and unfortunately it’s back again.
It always works something like this…
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Rick’s Tech Tips Newsletter
Question from Francine: I have a computer with Windows 10 on it.
It used to be that when I tried to delete a file a message would pop up asking if I really wanted to delete it, but not anymore.
Now the file is just deleted immediately with no chance to change my mind.
I really need those confirmation messages because I’ve caught myself trying to delete the wrong file several times in the past.
Can you tell me how to get Windows to start asking me to confirm file deletions again?
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]