Question from Marla: I’ve had a ProtonMail account for over a year and I’ve been happy with it all that time, but now not so much.
A very serious issue has arisen and I hope you can help me close my account.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Question from Marla: I’ve had a ProtonMail account for over a year and I’ve been happy with it all that time, but now not so much.
A very serious issue has arisen and I hope you can help me close my account.
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As you probably know, having to shut down your PC can be a major hassle at times.
This is especially true if you know you’ll have to reopen all the programs and websites you’re currently using the next time you power the machine back on.
Luckily, that scenario can be avoided by selecting a special shutdown mode called Hibernate.
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If you’re a blogger you probably know that securing your blog with SSL encryption is now a must if you want your blog to succeed, for these reasons:
1 – Google has now started giving preference to SSL secure https pages in their search results.
That means all other things being equal, pages that have URLs that begin with https will rank higher than pages that begin with http.
Google has also begun displaying the URL’s of encrypted pages in their search results. That means it won’t be long before many searchers will simply skip over non-secure pages and visit the next available secure page instead. [Read more…]
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Data breaches and exploits are nothing new to the online world.
In fact, it seems like they happen every day.
As reported by our friends at BleepingComputer, this latest massive data leak has a strange twist to it.
Apparently several groups that traffic in stolen credit card and banking information on the dark web are exposing the info in each others’ databases in some sort of weird retribution spree.
These actions have resulted in the credit card and banking info of 600,000 consumers being leaked onto the open web.
There are other factors involved in this latest leak as well, but the details aren’t really as important as taking steps to mitigate the damage if it turn out you were one of the affected consumers.
This is what I recommend that you do… [Read more…]
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Yahoo has been a major player in the online world from virtually day one, and for the longest time one of my favorite sections of the site was Yahoo Answers.
If you’re unfamiliar with Yahoo Answers, it’s basically a much older, but less-polished version of Quora.
Back in the day I really enjoyed spending time reading the questions and answers posted there, and there was about a two year stretch when I interacted with the other users there quite a bit.
But then strange things started happening over there…