Did you know malicious apps on your Windows 10 machine could be sending spam and virus-laden emails to other people, in your name?
This is taking place right now on unsuspecting users’ PCs, and it’s happening on a massive scale.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Did you know malicious apps on your Windows 10 machine could be sending spam and virus-laden emails to other people, in your name?
This is taking place right now on unsuspecting users’ PCs, and it’s happening on a massive scale.
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Question from Shelley V.: Hi Rick. I bought a 1TB solid state drive (SSD) to replace the aging 500GB drive in my laptop.
I read your post about using Clonezilla to clone the contents of the old drive onto the new one, but I know from one of your other posts that I’ll need to buy a SATA to USB adapter too.
That all seems like it would be too complicated for me. Is there a simpler way to do this?
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Have you ever needed to create a screenshot of an entire web page, but the page was too long and/or wide to fit in the browser window?
If so, you probably had to “capture” the current contents of the screen, scroll to display more of the page, “capture” that part of the page to a different image file.
Then you had to repeat the process until you had a series of photos depicting every part of the web page.
Well, if you use Google’s Chrome browser, there’s an easy way to take a screenshot of an entire web page without having to scroll or capture multiple images.
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Lets face it, Windows 10 is a data hog.
By default, your Windows 10 device constantly gathers various morsels of usage data and sends them to Microsoft over your Internet connection.
In addition to the obvious privacy concerns, this constant transmission of usage data can really eat into the monthly data allotment you receive in accordance with your Internet service plan.
This is especially important if you’re on a limited data plan like satellite Internet or via a cellular carrier.
Luckily, there are several things you can do to greatly reduce the amount of data your Windows 10 installation will collect and send back to Microsoft, and enhance your privacy as well…
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Question from Gene: Rick, is there any way to block app invites from just one friend on Facebook while still allowing other people to send them to me?
I read your post explaining how to block ALL app and game requests on Facebook, but I don’t want to do that.
I just want to block the app requests from one specific person. She’s driving me nuts trying to get me to use an app that I really don’t want to use.
I don’t want to block her completely or unfriend her. All I want to do is block her stupid app requests.
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]