As you probably know by now, Facebook is a favorite hangout for scammers, tricksters and hoaxers.
And as luck would have it, there’s another very irritating recurring hoax making the rounds yet again.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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As you probably know by now, Facebook is a favorite hangout for scammers, tricksters and hoaxers.
And as luck would have it, there’s another very irritating recurring hoax making the rounds yet again.
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
Did you know that many burglars actually knock on the victim’s door or ring their doorbell before breaking into a home?
Well, it’s true, and there’s a reason why: If no one answers the door, there’s a good chance that nobody’s home.
But you don’t have to fall victim to burglars in this way. Simply install a Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell and you’ll be able to answer your door from anywhere in the world! [Read more…]
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Question from Mark: Based upon your recommendation I bought a Brother laser printer about a year or so ago.
The starter toner cartridge that came with the printer finally ran out so I ordered a third-party cartridge from Amazon.
I installed it per the instructions but the printer’s LCD screen still says “Replace Toner”.
I guess that message me has a little concerned. Should I be? [Read more…]
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
Question from Sheila: I recently saw some Microsoft Surface laptops on Amazon that said they come with Windows 10 S.
The ad didn’t give any details about this version of Windows 10. What does the “S” on the end mean? [Read more…]
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Question from Fran: Rick, I need your help with a very strange problem.
I turned on my computer this morning and saw that somehow my Facebook had gotten switched to some language that I can’t understand.
I can’t figure out how to change it back to English because I can’t read the menus.
Can you help me get my Facebook account back to where it’s using English? [Read more…]