Hackers and scammers have been infecting Windows PCs with malware for years, and the problem is getting worse all the time.
In fact, the majority of the questions I receive every week involve malware infections of one type or another.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Hackers and scammers have been infecting Windows PCs with malware for years, and the problem is getting worse all the time.
In fact, the majority of the questions I receive every week involve malware infections of one type or another.
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Question from Grady: I recently started using Outlook.com for my email after buying a new PC that didn’t come with Microsoft Office.
I like Outlook’s webmail setup just fine, but it does have a few quirks.
If an email looks suspicious I always like to check the headers to see where it originated from. But I can’t find a button or link to view the headers when I open an email.
Does Outlook.com not allow you view them? [Read more…]
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The Internet has spread its wings across the entire planet and is an indispensable part of our modern lives. For almost three decades, we have reaped the benefits of virtual information and staying connected online.
Amidst this vast digital landscape, writing services have emerged, offering tailored writing assistance to those in need. Many turn to an essay pro review to ensure they are making an informed choice, relying on the experiences of others to navigate the myriad of online resources effectively.
This trend skyrocketed with the emergence of the first social network in 2004, Facebook.
Today, over 2 billion users log onto Facebook daily to interact, check what their friends and family members are doing, or market a product. Also, students find networking sites increasingly beneficial for their private and professional life. Thanks to smartphones, they can check what’s trending on the go and even land a decent job.
And while people tend to believe that social media is a waste of time, the truth is different. Facebook can positively impact students living in this virtually-enhanced era. It is critical for acknowledging individual features, shaping careers, and forging life-long friendships.
Here are the top five advantages you should be aware of when opening a Facebook account: [Read more…]
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Question from Tammy: I’ve used nothing but Windows laptops all my life but I decided to try a MacBook Air this time around.
I think I’m going to like the laptop ok but I hate the Magic Mouse that I bought to go with it. I just can’t seem to get used to it.
My question is can I use a regular 2-button mouse like the ones you use with a Windows computer with it?
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Question from Gene: Rick, I have a desktop computer I hired a guy to build for me about 3 years ago. It has Windows 10 on it.
It has 4 GB of RAM in it right now and I’d really like to max it out to (hopefully) speed things up a bit.
How can I find out how much memory this computer can use since it doesn’t really have a brand/model to look up? [Read more…]