If you’ve ever used SnapChat you’re probably familiar with how received messages simply disappear after they have been read.
Well, now Instagram’s Chat tool has a similar feature called ‘Vanish Mode’.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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If you’ve ever used SnapChat you’re probably familiar with how received messages simply disappear after they have been read.
Well, now Instagram’s Chat tool has a similar feature called ‘Vanish Mode’.
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As you probably know by now, Windows 10 is a nightmare when it comes to privacy.
Truth be told, if you accept all of Windows 10’s default privacy settings you won’t have much privacy at all while you’re using your PC.
There are almost two dozen important privacy settings that need to be changed in order to lock down your privacy as much as possible, but unfortunately they’re scattered all over the place throughout your Windows 10 installation. [Read more…]
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Rick’s Tech Tips Newsletter
Do you always get a warm, fuzzy feeling after your latest malware scan responds with “Scan complete. No malware found!“?
Most folks do, and I must admit that I feel pretty good about those kinds of reports myself.
But I’m going to share a little secret with you…
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Question from Kerry: My company has about 30 employees working together in one large open room.
We each have mini-offices set up in separate cubicles.
Although there’s very little privacy on our floor I have a corner cubicle that gives me a lot more privacy than my coworkers.
I’m pretty fast at my work so I always get done a couple of hours before everyone else.
That means I have a couple of hours to kill every day so I recently started watching YouTube videos to pass the time. [Read more…]
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Question from Lawrence: I have a very simple question for you Rick.
Is it possible to be completely anonymous on the Internet?
Here’s the scenario that I have in mind: [Read more…]