Question from Michael: As a small business owner I’m constantly worried about some catastrophe wiping out all of our data.
Can you provide some tips and info for safeguarding data, both for businesses and individuals? [Read more…]
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Question from Michael: As a small business owner I’m constantly worried about some catastrophe wiping out all of our data.
Can you provide some tips and info for safeguarding data, both for businesses and individuals? [Read more…]
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It’s normal for students to get nervous before big exams. Unfortunately, some students experience something worse than nervousness: test anxiety.
While this type of anxiety can stem from numerous reasons, Dr. Ran Anbar shares that students may experience anxious feelings during exams because they failed to prepare well for their tests.
As a result, they may struggle to recall what they have learned, provide erroneous exam responses, and encounter various difficulties with test taking due to their anxiety. [Read more…]
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Question from Stanley: A while back I spent some time shopping around for a small brick-sized desktop computer, and as I recall they all seemed to be fairly under-powered.
I’d love to find a really small desktop PC that will fit on the bookshelf above my desk, but I’d like for it to be as powerful as a mid-range desktop computer. [Read more…]
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Question from Chris: I saw a brand new CPU that sells elsewhere online for around $500 for sale on Ebay for only $285. That’s a lot less that what I’d have to pay elsewhere so I ordered one.
The sales page said the CPU was brand new in the box and it had never been opened, but that’s not what they sent me.
When the package arrived the box had been opened and taped back shut and some of the pins on the CPU were bent. I can also see traces of thermal paste on the top of the chip.
It’s pretty obvious that they sent me a used CPU instead of a brand new one. I could always install the CPU in my rig and see if it works but I’m afraid they’ll try to say I damaged it myself while installing it.
How would be the best way to handle this? [Read more…]
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Back in my school days I usually did quite well at taking tests. I guess I was blessed with that gift.
Some people are just better at taking tests than others, and it really has little, if anything, to do with intelligence or preparation.
I remember several major tests and exams on which I ended up receiving higher scores than friends who I considered to be a lot “smarter” and better prepared than I was.
All of the above being said, the results of a research study headed by a Mr. William Poundstone indicates that there are tricks (statistical and otherwise) that can help anyone do better on most any test. [Read more…]