Question from Ryanna: I’m always accidentally hitting the “Microphone” button when I’m typing on my iPhone and I hate it.
I never use Dictation anyway so I’d like to disable it. How do I do that? [Read more…]
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Question from Ryanna: I’m always accidentally hitting the “Microphone” button when I’m typing on my iPhone and I hate it.
I never use Dictation anyway so I’d like to disable it. How do I do that? [Read more…]
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Question from Kerry: I have a Windows 11 question for you if you don’t mind.
I used to be a Windows guy, but when Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 I decided to switch to a Mac.
Well, my Mac recently bit the dust and I decided to switch back to Windows. Long story short, I ended up buying an HP all-on-one desktop computer with Windows 11 on it.
Back when I was using Windows 7 I could open the Control Panel from the Start menu, but that’s apparently not the case with Windows 11. I’ve looked high and low and I can’t find it.
I’m pretty sure Windows 11 still has a Control Panel because I think I remember seeing it mentioned on your site before. Can you tell me how to find it? [Read more…]
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If you’re as forgetful as I am, a gentle reminder of an important event a day or two before it is scheduled to take place goes a long way towards avoiding embarrassment – and possibly a lost opportunity.
Sure, you can tape a note to your computer screen or your car’s rear view mirror, but there’s actually a much better way… [Read more…]
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Question from Brenda: I have a Facebook question that I hope you can answer for me Rick.
I have many varied interests so I “Like” a wide variety of pages, some of which I’d rather keep to myself and not let some of my Facebook friends know about.
Is there a way to “hide” those pages from my friends but still access them myself as usual? [Read more…]
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Question from Larry: I just bought my first laptop and I have a question about it.
When I close the lid it goes into Sleep mode. Is it safe to carry it around while in Sleep mode or should I shut it down completely?
I’ve always been told never to move a computer that’s powered up or it’ll damage the hard drive, and a sleeping laptop still has power, right?
As you can see I’m confused LOL. Looking forward to your answer.
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]