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Banking and shopping online really can save you a bunch of time and money.
But unfortunately it can also put your financial information and your identity at risk of being stolen. [Read more…]
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Banking and shopping online really can save you a bunch of time and money.
But unfortunately it can also put your financial information and your identity at risk of being stolen. [Read more…]
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There are many ways for hackers and scammers to use your Facebook account to do malicious things, and make it appear that YOU are the culprit.
Most hackers simply find a way to break into your account and use it to publish SPAM posts and malicious links or spread malware to your friends via chat or instant messages.
Luckily, those hackers and scammers can be easily kicked off and locked out of your account by changing your password and enabling Two-Factor Authentication, but the truly devious miscreants can cause you all kinds of grief long after you’ve booted them off and locked them out of your account.
Yes, the really serious hackers can actually keep using your account to send SPAM and spread malware even without being able to log back in to your account.
And how they do that just might surprise you… [Read more…]
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Question from Phil: Your article on the Windows key prompts me to ask this question…
What’s the best way to add a ‘Windows key’ function to an older keyboard that doesn’t have that key on it?
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Question from Mary: Hi, Rick. I need some advice on the best way to scan pictures.
I learned yesterday that I may have an opportunity to access some old family photographs that are about 60 – 100 years old.
I’d like to scan all of those pictures so they’ll be available digitally.
Do you have any recommendations on the equipment I’ll need to scan them?
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Technology is becoming more ubiquitous in our lives every day.
We don’t have only intelligent devices today, but our homes are starting to become automated places.
The refrigerators, stoves, and ovens that connect to the internet aren’t the only additions that improve how we experience everyday life. Many elements also allow us to improve security in our homes.
Security is more important than ever in today’s world. Therefore, investing in home protection should be a must.
The effective use of common sense, technology, and good design can help us avoid accidents, prevent unwanted visits, and protect the ones we love the most.
Renovating and preserving your home doesn’t have to require the spending of millions of dollars. “Smart purchases” can go a long way towards obtaining greater comfort and security in your home. Here are a few suggestions: