Imagine you stumble across an insightful YouTube video, brimming with information you want to revisit later. You’d wish you could have it all in writing, wouldn’t you?
Here’s where the magic of transcription gleams through the digital noise.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Imagine you stumble across an insightful YouTube video, brimming with information you want to revisit later. You’d wish you could have it all in writing, wouldn’t you?
Here’s where the magic of transcription gleams through the digital noise.
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Although it can be a hassle, It sometimes becomes necessary toreset our smartphones back to the factory default settings.
Let’s face it, sometimes the operating system or an app gets so messed up that a factory reset is the only viable option for fixing the problem without sending the phone off or hiring a tech to fix it for us.
It’s also a good idea to reset your phone before giving it away or selling it to a third party, even if the recipient is someone you trust.
It’s not difficult at all to reset an Android phone or iPhone back to its factory default settings. Here’s how to do it: [Read more…]
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Question from Julian: My older brother has offered to help me build a gaming computer using the money I got for my birthday.
He gave me a list of parts to order and everything looks ok, but I have a question about the power supply.
He said a 600 watt PSU will power everything I’m planning to put inside the system but that I should buy a 750 watt PSU in case I ever want to add anything else to the system.
The thing is the 750 watt power supply that he recommended will cost about $40 more than the 600 watt one I’m looking at on Amazon.
What I’d like to know is do you think it’s worth an extra $40 to buy a larger power supply than I really need, and do you think the 600 watt power supply will be big enough? [Read more…]
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I have written many times about why it’s so important to protect your family’s WiFi network by enabling encryption on it and locking it down with a strong password.
Well, this old, but still relevant news story is a real-world example of why locking your WiFi network down is so important. I ran across it while doing some research for a related blog post and thought I’d share it with you. [Read more…]
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Smart phones and other mobile devices are great for playing music and videos, but their small speakers often leave a lot to be desired when it comes to sound quality and volume.
Luckily, most modern smartphones, tablets and even modern laptops and desktop computers can wirelessly transmit their sound to large, great sounding external speakers via a wonderful technology known as Bluetooth. [Read more…]