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Question from Ellen L.: I can block calls from certain phone numbers with my smart phone, but I also have a landline telephone that I’d like to be able to do that with as well.
I receive a lot of nuisance calls on that line, but the phone company wants to charge me a monthly fee that adds up to well over a hundred dollars a year to block them for me.
Do you know of a service or device that I can get that’ll let me block calls from the nuisance numbers that call me the most often without having to pay a big monthly fee?
Rick’s answer: Ellen, nuisance calls sure can be irritating, but I’m able to block most of them using a fantastic app that runs on my Android smart phone.
It’s been years since I’ve had a landline so I can’t really give you any advice that’s based upon personal experience.
But that being said, I did some research and discovered a nifty device called the CPR Call Blocker V5000.
This nifty device will block all calls from thousands of numbers, and it’ll even let you block entire area codes as well as numbers from other countries!
It comes pre-programmed with 5,000 numbers that belong to known scam callers, and you can add an additional 1,500 more numbers to block!
Adding a number to the blocked list is as easy as pressing the “Block Now” button while you’re receiving a call from a number that you’d like to block.
You’ll need Caller ID service on your phone line in order for the CPR Call Blocker V5000 to work, but you probably have that already.
While the device isn’t free, there are no monthly fees required in order to use it.
After you make the initial purchase the device is free to use from them on. That’s a lot cheaper than what you’d have to pay your phone company in the long run.
Here’s a short video that shows the device in actual use:
I recommend that you spend a little time reading up on the device for yourself to see if you think it’s what you’re looking for. I suspect that it is.
Click here to read more about the CPR Call Blocker V5000 at Amazon, including over 11,000 overwhelmingly positive user reviews and plenty of answered questions.
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