Sometimes a new semester can bring a lot of stress, but there is always a way to make the school year successful. All you have to do is change some of your habits, and your productivity will return to you.
This post is about the principles of organization and the habits you need to develop in order to organize your life.
Tips to make yourself organized
Repeat the following steps for at least 21 days and the rituals will become habitual for you, and your life will be more orderly.
1 – Make a to-do list
Every night make a to-do list for the next day. Include no more than three main (what must be done necessarily) and no more than five secondary tasks (those that can be postponed). The result is a small but realistic plan. Long task lists make you feel depressed if there are uncompleted tasks at the end of the day and take a lot of time to make. Short ones, on the other hand, help you stay clear and focused.
2 – Do the most important thing at the beginning of the day
Try to do the most urgent and important thing right after waking up. Don’t take on anything else until you’ve completed it. Alternatively, do the first thing you don’t like to do, but have to.
Suppose you don’t like math. Get over yourself, do your homework on it first, and then you can spend the rest of the day doing things that make you feel positive.
3 – Ask for help if it’s needed
It is difficult to imagine a student who has time to study and does not need help. Everyone has a moment when you do not have time for anything, and the deadline is coming soon. In such cases, do not give up and be nervous, it is not a shame to ask for help, especially from professional essay writers with great experience in science fields. You can always order an essay, dissertation, and other written work and devote time to more important projects.
4 – Use productivity apps
Evernote, OneNote, Trello, and – pick an electronic assistant to follow up with you. Free course on family education for parents Learns how to transition to homeschooling in grades 5-11. We tell you how to push your child to be independent, find a balance between learning and hobbies, and, most importantly, worry less.
5 – Clean up regularly
At least once a week, dust, mop the floor, and put things away. Remember: Order around you is order in your head! From time to time, rid yourself of unnecessary things. Revise the closets, on the shelves and the computer. Throw away irrelevant letters and materials on completed or suspended projects.
6 – Pursue order in everything
You can’t be organized just a little bit, only sometimes. It’s like working out: if you exercise irregularly, you’ll soon lose your form. It’s important to work on yourself all the time.
Strive for order always and in everything. Try to do everything at once and well. It’s much more convenient than “working on your mistakes” later. Even after a hard day at school, do not throw things in a pile. Hang them neatly in the closet, and always wash the dishes behind you.
Here are three important princples that can help if you follow them:
Principle 1 – Don’t put things off
Every task must have a deadline without deadlines, our life risks becoming an endless stream of procrastination. If there is the slightest opportunity to put things off, the brain will grasp it. Put the learning tasks on a separate list and set deadlines. Write down all the things, even the trivial ones. Then you can make a to-do for the day.
Principle 2 – Organize
In 2011 Princeton University researchers studied how people work in orderly and disorganized spaces. They found that clutter in a room, closet, or desk negatively affects concentration and productivity.
It is no coincidence that in the West, there is a “professional organizer. Such a professional help to bring order to rooms and offices, paper and electronic files. Remove everything unnecessary from the desktop. Leave only what you may need during the online study: a computer, a laptop or a tablet, stationery for taking notes, and a glass of water.
Principle 3 – Don’t get distracted
The fewer irritants, the easier it is to focus on what’s important. Try to eliminate everything that can disrupt your work mood.
Ask your loved ones not to distract you during your online studies. You’re not just “sitting at the computer,” but learning!
Close the door to your room so you can’t hear the TV, radio, or household conversations and turn on “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone and get off social media.