Videos are one of the most popular types of content shared on Facebook, but many users are having trouble getting them to play while logged into Facebook with the Firefox browser.
If you’re one of them, there are a couple of things that you can try that seem to work for most users.
First, try updating or installing Adobe Flash Player by following these instructions:
1 – Visit the Flash Player download page on the Adobe website.
2 – Uncheck the box in the “Optional Offer” section to avoid installing other software along with the Flash Player.
3 – Click the Install Now button.
4 – Click the Save File button.
5 – Press the Ctrl+J key combination to open the downloads folder.
6 – Double-click on the install_flashplayer[xxx].exe file to install the Flash Player. Note: The [xxx] part of the filename will vary depending on the current Flash Player version.
7 – Run the installer utility to install the Flash Player.
8 – Exit Firefox and re-launch it, then log into your Facebook account. If all went well you should now be able to play Facebook videos just fine.
If you still can’t get videos to play, try disabling all extensions and plugins, then re-start the browser and log back into Facebook. If videos will now play, you can re-enable the extensions and plugins one at a time until you find the one that’s preventing the videos from playing.