Are you generally happy with your cell service everywhere except within your home? If you have a broadband Internet connection you can install your very own mini “cell tower”! Well, it isn’t exactly a cell tower, but it works exactly like one.
Femtocells are small router-sized boxes that connect to your cell carrier’s network through your high speed modem/router. They radiate a strong cell signal throughout your home, and in some cases even out into your yard. And I can tell you from personal experience that they work extremely well since I’ve been using one for years!
Imagine going from a barely usable cell signal to a perfect signal simply by plugging a small electronic device into your router. That’s exactly how it works.
Of course Femtocells aren’t free. In fact, Sprint charges around $100 for their Airave box and about $5 a month for the service. But you CAN get one for free!
The cell carriers know that for most people not being able to use their cell phones while at home is a deal breaker. All you have to do is call your carrier’s customer service line, explain that you cannot use your cell phone at home and ask to cancel your contract so you can switch to a carrier that works there. If you have been a good customer they’ll offer to send you a free Femtocell and waive all fees associated with its use. Trust me, they will!
You don’t have to put up with spotty or nonexistent cell service in your home. If you have a high speed Internet connection you can have your very own “personal cell tower” up and running within just a few days – and it won’t cost you a dime!