Question from Earnie: I’ve been following you on Facebook for a long time Rick, and I’ve learned a lot from the great info you post.
One post that really helped was the one where you basically said we need to ditch Windows 7 because it’s no longer being supported. I had no idea!
After reading that post and pondering my options for several days I finally took your advice and replaced the Windows 7 on my laptop with Linux Mint, and I believe it was a good move.
I checked your list of Linux replacements for Windows programs (very helpful, thanks!) for a screen recorder app but I didn’t see one listed.
I searched Google for Linux screen recorder apps and found several but all the ones I tried are too complicated for what I need.
All I need is a very simple app that can record everything that happens inside the active window.
Is there one that you can recommend?
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]