I recently received a message from a reader asking if the “fix-all” programs that keeping popping up in ads on his computer will really help fix the issues he’s having with it.
Here is his message in full, followed by my response… [Read more…]
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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I recently received a message from a reader asking if the “fix-all” programs that keeping popping up in ads on his computer will really help fix the issues he’s having with it.
Here is his message in full, followed by my response… [Read more…]
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If you’ve been following this blog for a while you’ve probably figured out by now that I love technology.
No, check that – you’ve probably figured out that I REALLY love technology!
I also love sharing the things I’ve learned while working in the IT field for almost four decades as well as helping people out of jams whenever I can.
To those ends I have posted over 5,200 tech tips on this blog to date. And now I’m about to share what is likely the best tip of the lot.
What is this awesome, must-read tip you ask?
Well, it’s this…
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Note: The links in this post are affiliate links.
Shopping for a new computer has to be one of the most confusing tasks you’ll ever have to do.
With all the choices available, determining which model is the right one for you can be a nightmare. [Read more…]
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Question from Gwen: I installed a kid’s game on my iPhone that teaches the child how to do basic math in order to solve a series of mysteries.
The recommended age range for the game is 4 to 6.
My daughter turned 4 a couple of months ago so I believe she should be able to successfully play the game.
The thing is I don’t want her to be able to do anything with the phone except use this one app. Is it possible to set it up this way?
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In database connectivity, UniDAC stands out as a powerful tool for developers seeking seamless integration between applications and databases.
Regarding MySQL, UniDAC provides a comprehensive set of features and functionalities to simplify data access and manipulation.
In this article, we will explore the basics of UniDAC and delve into MySQL-specific issues, allowing developers to harness the full potential of UniDAC while working with MySQL. [Read more…]