Do you have an Amazon Kindle E-reader that runs slow, freezes up or is just weirdly glitchy in some other way?
If so, there are a couple of things you can do to fix the issue.
Your daily dose of practical, easy to follow tech tips!
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Do you have an Amazon Kindle E-reader that runs slow, freezes up or is just weirdly glitchy in some other way?
If so, there are a couple of things you can do to fix the issue.
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Establishing and maintaining a thorough preventative maintenance routine can help keep your PC’s hardware and operating system running smoothly for years to come.
Of course such a routine includes keeping your PC free of viruses, spyware and other forms of malware.
But it also means keeping the inside of the physical computer itself clear of dust and debris that can smother the components and clog up the fans and cause the computer’s internal components to overheat. [Read more…]
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Question from Karlie: I use my laptop late at night while hubby is trying to sleep, but sometimes the light from the screen keeps him awake.
A friend at work told me I could enable ‘Dark Mode’ on the laptop and it wouldn’t put out near as much light.
I’d love to give that a try. Can you tell me how to turn on Dark Mode on a laptop with Windows 10?
Rick’s answer: [Read more…]
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Do you love the “old-style” games like Solitaire, Hearts, FreeCell and others that you used to be able to play with Windows 7, but can’t find them in Windows 10 or Windows 11?
Well, those beloved old-style games were removed from the most recent versions of Windows and replaced with “modern” versions that you have to download from the Windows Store.
I happen to prefer the old-style games myself. If you prefer them as well, you can get them back! [Read more…]
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If you recently purchased a Windows 11 PC or upgraded an existing machine to Windows 11, you’ve probably noticed that the Taskbar is thicker than it was in previous Windows versions.
And if you went looking for one, you probably noticed that there’s no setting in either the Control Panel or the Setting app to change the Taskbar’s thickness.
Personally, I like having my Taskbar as thin as possible to ensure that I have as much of the usable part of the screen in view as possible.
If you’d prefer a thinner Taskbar as well, I have some good news for you… [Read more…]