Does this scenario sound familiar? You buy a new computer, take it home, set it up and begin using it.
Everything works just fine for several months, but then one morning it just refuses to boot into Windows. Try as you might, you can’t get the system to come up. Oh well, time to send it on for repair, right?
But then a question pops into your mind: Is the computer still under warranty? You know you’ve had it close to a year, but is the warranty still in effect? Did you spring for the extended warranty when you bought it? No problem, you’ll just get that information right off of the receipt.
Uh-oh, you can’t find the receipt! What to do now? Well, about the only thing you can do is retrieve the Tech Support number from the manufacturer’s website and give them a call, where you’ll probably be on hold for about half a day. And then, once they find time to take your call you’ll have to answer a bunch of questions that you probably don’t know how to answer!
Most of us have been in situations like this, and it’s no fun. But there’s a way to avoid it. All you need to do is create an information packet for your new computer when you first take it out of the box. Here’s how:
1 – Get yourself an index card and write the following information on it:
– Computer brand, model number and serial number
– The purchase date and the length of the warranty period (typically 1 year)
– Whether you bought the extended warranty or not (along with the phone #)
– The manufacturer’s Technical Support number
– Your PC’s Windows Activation Code (look for it on a sticker)
2 – Place the index card in a small ziplock bag along with a COPY of the receipt and warranty information. Place the originals in a safe place such as a lock box or secure desk drawer.
3 – Seal the ziplock bag and tape it somewhere on the back or bottom of the computer. Be sure to avoid areas that tend to get hot, and don’t block any air vents/holes.
Now you’ll be all set when it comes time to have your computer serviced. You’ll know exactly where that critical information is and you’ll be able to get your hands on it in a hurry. You also won’t have to worry about the labels on your PC fading out to the point where they become unreadable since you’ll have that info already written on the index card!