Rick’s Tech Tips Newsletter
Question from Brenda: I think it’s wonderful that you take the time to provide all this great information and help people with their problems.
I’ve noticed that you never ask anyone for money or request any type of payment for the things you do.
I believe you really should because your time is valuable and you deserve to be paid for using it to help all of us. Why do you do all this for free?
Rick’s answer: Thanks for your very kind words, Brenda. They are greatly appreciated!
To answer your question, there are three reasons why I don’t charge anything for the information I post on my blog or for whatever meager assistance I can provide when someone needs a little help:
1 – I just really enjoy helping people when I can.
We all need help from time to time, and I’ve received more than my fair share of help from generous friends, family members and even strangers over the course of my lifetime.
I know first-hand how great it feels when someone is kind enough to help me out of a jam or give me a great piece of advice.
I just wouldn’t feel right charging someone for helping them solve a problem they were having when I’ve received so much free help myself over the years.
2 – I already earn money from my blog and newsletter in ways that don’t require my wonderful readers to lay out any cash of their own unless they feel moved to help support my work on a volunteer basis.
I would never feel comfortable charging a fee for whatever meager amount of information I can provide when your visits to my blog already help me earn a living.
3 – I receive a great amount of personal satisfaction every time I get a message or email from someone thanking me for helping them in some way.
I believe we were put on this earth to help others whenever we can, and I love getting wonderful feedback from folks I was able to help in some way.
For me, that’s the best “pay” I could ever receive.
In short, I have never even considered charging my friends (and if you’re reading this you are indeed my friend) for any info or assistance that I might be able to offer. And I never will.
Now all of the above being said, there are a couple of things you can do if you’d like to help me keep this project going:
1 – You can share the posts that you find valuable with your friends and followers on your social media accounts.
Every time one of my posts is shared a few more people will see them and (hopefully) learn something that will help them in some way.
If something I say in a post helps you, there’s a good chance that it might help your friends as well.
In short, simply telling your friends and associates about my blog is a HUGE help. That’s why every share, like and comment is so greatly appreciated!
2 – Even though I will require any kind of payment in exchange for the info and assistance I provide via my blog and newsletter, I do accept “tips” from readers who really want to help support the blog and keep it up and running.
“Tips” are 100% voluntary and every penny received via the “Tip Jar” is used solely to help pay my substantial web hosting fees.
These “tips” help keep this Rick’s Daily Tips Tech Blog up and running, and I greatly appreciate the help.
3 – You can sign up for my daily Rick’s Tech Tips Newsletter and opt for a Premium subscription.
Bottom line: I’m very blessed to be able to write about technology and help folks solve their tech problems when I can.
I consider the opportunity to come into your home and life via my blog and newsletter privilege, not a favor. Thanks so much for granting me that honor.
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