Most folks have their favorite websites/pages bookmarked on their browser’s “Favorites” bar.
That makes it easy to quickly launch once of those sites with a single click without having to go through the hassle of using Google or typing the site’s URL into the address bar every time.
There are times when it helps to launch a bookmarked page in a new browser tab to prevent it from replacing the page that’s already displayed in the browser.
Most people do that by clicking the plus sign (+) at the top of the browser window to open a new tab, and then clicking on the bookmark.
But there’s actually a couple of even quicker ways to do it:
1 – Press and hold the Ctrl key while you click the bookmark.
That special Ctrl-Click will automatically launch a new browser tab and display the bookmarked page in it, saving you a step!
2 – Right-click on the bookmark and click Open in new tab.
Pretty simple, right? Either of those two methods will save you a step every time you want to open a bookmarked web page in a new browser tab.
Bonus tip: This post explains the best way to bookmark the current page in your browser.