Did you know that when you offer credit card processing to your clients, your systems can do much more than just accept payments?
With Merchant Account Solutions options, you can collect customer information for later use, keep up with inventory from your store, and even keep up with employee’s schedules.
The amazing merchant services offered from the folks at MAS allow you to do a variety of tasks to make running your business easier than ever before.
MAS offers a variety of tracking software, pos solutions, and machines to give you the power you need to run your business efficiently and effectively.
Tracking Customer Information
One of the amazing options you can get with the SmartSwipe software or Clover pos system, from MAS is the ability to track customers information.
This allows you to easily pull up their information when they are in a transaction to analyze their history of purchases and help them find products or services that fit their needs.
It also allows you to see what items they have purchased in the past to help them find them in your store again if needed. Tracking client information can also help you to inform your clients of sales and specials you may be running on items they frequently purchase.
Other Options
With the SmartSwipe program, you can keep track of the inventory in your store with the easy QR code scanner option.
Keep track of your employee’s schedules and let them know when their next time at work is with the same software.
Mobility is also available so that you can take credit or debit card transactions on the go wherever you are.
Whether you need to track client information for future reference or you want all your business needs right in the palm of your hand, Merchant Account Solutions has your answers.
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