Personally, I’ve never really been a fan of Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (#ad), but some people think they’re the best thing since the invention of the wheel.
If you happen to prefer CFLs over other types of light bulbs, I recommend that you begin stocking up on them right now.
General Electric has announced on their blog that they’re going to stop making CFL bulbs by the end of this year in order to concentrate their efforts on producing LED bulbs. (#ad)
It’s obvious that CFLs never really caught on with the public. Even at their peak they never garnered more than 30% of the light bulb market, and last year they accounted for just 15% of the light bulbs that were sold.
GE has also stated another reason for abandoning CFL bulbs: CFLs aren’t capable of meeting the new government efficiency standards that will be going into effect next year. Therefore, I expect other manufacturers to follow GE’s lead in phasing out their production.
Bottom line: If you happen to love using CFL bulbs in your home or business, you’d better start stocking up on them (#ad) ASAP.