Question from R. Saravanan: I’m using an Acer keyboard that’s connected to my PC which is running Windows 7.
Can this keyboard be used as an external keyboard with a tablet running version 4.0.4 of the Android O.S.?
Rick’s answer: My short answer to your question is “probably”. Now, I’ll take a moment to expand on that…
Many modern Android tablets work just fine with a standard USB keyboard using the USB to MicroUSB adapter that usually comes bundled with the tablet. Although you didn’t mention it in your question, I’m fairly certain that your Acer keyboard is a USB model, so it should probably work.
Also, Android 4.0.4 (aka Android Ice Cream Sandwich) is a relatively recent version of Android, and that increases your chance at success.
That being said, not all tablets work correctly with standard USB keyboards. Sometimes certain keys will work while others won’t. Other times none of the keys work at all. It mostly depends on which firmware version the tablet is loaded with.
Bottom line: I recommend that you give it a shot. Either the keyboard will work with your tablet or it won’t, and it won’t hurt a thing to give it a try. I’d say the likelihood of success is at least 75%.
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